Wednesday, July 14, 2010

photos from yellowstone

I've realized my photos from Yellowstone are very lacking. So, I'm using some of the photos Jessica took and put up on the internet to share some more than what I already have.

(beaver pond in the grand tetons)

(A short hike in Yellowstone)

(a view from about 8,500 ft up, near the top of the mountain during our backpacking trip)

(on our backpacking trip, the many downed trees added the the strain of our hike a lot)

(the landscape at the beginning of our backpacking trip)

(a amazingly blue pool near the gysers)

( we got stuck in a hail storm on a hike one day. crazy weather seemed to be a theme of our trip)

(we saw a bear! and two baby cubs!)

(the view from inspiration point. totally inspirations- duh)

(one of the artist paint pots. so cool!)

(the lower falls, so crazy. we watched the falls from another spot for a really long time)

(a cactus flower in the badlands!)

(after hiking up some really cool rocks in the badlands)

Jessica took a LOT of really great photos, so many I can't really put it all on here very well. But I guess that's how it works- you never really can summarize an adventure with few photographs...

1 comment:

  1. I love the drastic changes in clothing...beautiful people in a beautiful place
