Wednesday, January 27, 2010

this too will pass

there is something about snow that subdues the explosions from within. maybe its the way it sticks to your eyelashes or how it melts when it settles on your warm lips. either way, when i walked into the late night flurries, i knew that this too will pass.

as donkey worked on closing its doors, we left. sometimes, people show up just when you need them to, walking in right before your eyes fill with tears. you sort of expect yourself to loose it, right there in that chair, next to the group of friends playing cards and the boy laughing out loud at his book. but then, your reminded that today is what you make of it, it's what you decide to dwell on, to celebrate, to work towards.

the cold air, a scream of excitement, and a sincere good night hug was exactly what i needed. she reminded me that some weeks are just stressful, and it probably has little to do with how much you accomplished last week and what you still have to do this week. some weeks are just stressful. which means some weeks are just happy, loving, wonderful.

whatever the week is bringing, be it the good or the bad, it is not likely to stick around forever. an acquaintance once shared a story with me, something from some religious teaching, about a boy who goes on a quest for a king to find a ring that will make a happy man sad and a sad man happy. after months and months of searching all over the world, the boy became disheartened. just as the boy was returning home to tell the king he had failed, he stopped by a street vendor to buy some bread and asked the vendor if he knew of such a ring. to the boys surprise, the vendor did. The boy was so happy he finally found such a magical ring he ran to the king to show him. The king was taking part in a celebration of the day, and was surrounded with riches and luxuries. the boy told the king he had found the ring he was searching for, and handed him a tarnished silver ring. the king looked at the ring, and as he read the inscription on the inside, his smile faded. the ring read 'this too will pass.'


  1. Beautiful. for some odd reason I knew you'd post a blog today. :) love you.

  2. A woman told an extended version of that story at the UU church here in Cbus a few months ago. Spooky intense.
